Looking to leave sometime in 2023? You might start thinking now about the optimum date. Pakin Songmor/Getty Images
While many federal employees are planning to retire at the end of this year, it’s not too early for those who are looking ahead to leaving sometime in 2023 to start thinking about the optimum date.
This downloadable calendar will help you plan your best date for a 2023 retirement. The idea is to maximize your retirement benefit and lump sum payment for accrued annual leave, whether you’re under the Civil Service Retirement System, CSRS Offset or the Federal Employees Retirement System.
You’ll notice that some dates on the calendar are specially highlighted. These are the very best dates for 2023. Some are designated specifically for CSRS and CSRS Offset, and some just for FERS retirees. If there is not a designation of CSRS or FERS, then it is a great day for all immediate, voluntary retirements. These dates are within the first three days of the month for CSRS and CSRS Offset retirements. For FERS, they are generally days at the end of the month.
One FERS date, June 30, is not only at the end of the month, but also the end of a leave period. This is a particularly good date, because it allows for one last accumulation of annual leave to create a larger lump sum payout. And Nov. 30, which falls on a Thursday, could be a great day for FERS employees who work a compressed work schedule—as long as they can complete their 80 hours of work by close of business on the 30th.