Spectators watch a Veterans Day parade in Miami in 2022. VA file photo
Fixing Veterans' Preference Can Fix Federal Hiring
Angela Bailey and Jeffrey Neal join the podcast to discuss personnel modernization.
Nearly anyone who has dealt with it agrees that the federal hiring process is broken. Years of court fights, legislative fixes and special interests have produced a hiring system that frustrates hiring managers and applicants alike. There may be ways, however, to modernize the hiring process.
Angela Bailey and Jeffrey Neal are both former Chief Human Capital Officers for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as well as current fellows of the National Academy of Public Administration. They’re also co-authors on the latest in a series of posts on GovExec addressing the challenges that face government modernization, “The Federal Government Can Expand Opportunities for Veterans and Simplify Hiring, Too.” They joined the podcast to discuss veterans preference, hiring and how the two things can intersect to further workforce modernization.
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