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The Generational Shift Needs to Happen in the Federal Workforce
Anthony Fauci and Max Stier join the podcast to discuss hiring more young people into public service.
A third of all American workers are over the age of 50. But as much as the broader workforce is aging, the federal workforce is surpassing it, with more than 43 percent of federal employees over the age of 50. The retirement wave that hangs over the federal workforce has been slow going, but attrition without replacing those workers with younger workers means a loss of institutional knowledge, professional experience and, ultimately, mission delivery.
Anthony Fauci spent more than 50 years in government service, including as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Max Stier is the president and CEO of the nonpartisan nonprofit, Partnership for Public Service. They are co-authors of a Washington Post op-ed headlined “The federal workforce is aging. It’s time for a new generation.” They joined the podcast to talk about how to recruit more young people into government service.
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