Author Archive

Austin Costello

Capital Financial Planners

Pay & Benefits

The importance of a federal employee 'love letter'

COMMENTARY | This gesture of love and care for your beneficiaries can be a great resource after you are gone.

Pay & Benefits

How to use the ‘Bucket Strategy’ to optimize your retirement savings

COMMENTARY | There are ways to strategically withdraw money in retirement to make your funds last longer.

Pay & Benefits

The pitfalls of single-solution financial advisors

COMMENTARY | There is an increasing trend of companies advertising themselves as financial advisors or benefits centers targeting federal employees. Here’s how to find a holistic financial planning partner.

Pay & Benefits

Estate planning for federal employees: Maximize benefits and minimize taxes

Make sure to review and update your estate plan regularly to reflect changes in your financial situation and personal circumstances.

Pay & Benefits

Election years and the TSP

COMMENTARY | Investing during election years is an exercise in not letting your emotions drive your decisions, says one financial advisor.

Pay & Benefits

When do Roth conversions make sense for your retirement funds?

Paying federal taxes now may be better for you in the long run, explains one financial advisor.