
It’s Time to Act on the Workforce Portion of the President’s Management Agenda

Despite human capital reforms being referenced in recent management agendas, not much has actually changed.


It’s Time to Rethink Degree Requirements for Federal Contractors

Outdated mandates that job candidates have 4-year educational degrees create barriers to getting the best people on the job.


Federal Retirees Could Be a Great Talent Source, If Only It Were Easier to Bring Them Back  

There are lots of job ready federal retirees out there prepared and willing to return to work for Uncle Sam, but we need to eliminate the biases and disincentives that make it too hard for them to do so. 


The General Schedule System Needs An Upgrade, Now

We shouldn’t use 70-year-old products to manage the 21st century workforce.


The Gathering Storm Threatening the Civil Service

Conservatives are gearing up for a big debate and attacks that could upend the civil service as we know it. 


OMB’s Latest Workplace Guidance Goes Beyond Asking Agencies to Cut Back Telework

The memo requires agencies to undergo periodic health checkups to make sure they are meeting their performance goals.


Our Accountability System is Broken. Fix It First

The way we hold federal employees accountable for meeting reasonable standards of performance and behavior is badly broken, and it must be fixed before we can talk about additional reforms, argues one former federal leader.


Let’s Rethink the Management of Our Civil Service

In this op-ed, the executive vice president of the Partnership for Public Service posits that we should build up public servants and hold them accountable to improve government performance.


The Veterans Benefits Administration is a Good Candidate for Tailored Reforms

Additional hiring flexibilities and compensation changes would allow the agency to respond faster to new legal requirements.


Government Reform Isn’t Dead. It’s Just Changed.

There isn’t much appetite for large-scale governmentwide reforms right now, but there’s still movement at individual agencies. 


The Federal Workplace Is Changing Rapidly, But Merit Principles Must Remain Untouched

The merit system should be at the core of any reforms agencies make to adapt to fast-changing workplace dynamics.


Guardrails Are Needed to Help Protect the Integrity of the Post-Election Presidency

A few restrictions would help prevent aggrieved lame duck presidents from hijacking the functions of the executive branch.


The Federal Government Can Use Its Buying Power to Help the Environment and Save Taxpayers Money

Even small shifts in procurement rules that encourage reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will have a ripple effect.


What Keeps Public Employees In Their Jobs? It’s Not Just Pay

There are several factors more important than money in reducing staff turnover among government workers, a new study shows.


A Personal-Growth Strategy for Effective Leadership

Everyone has weaknesses and character flaws. Leaders who proactively seek help with those challenges will be better executives, managers and colleagues.


It’s Now Easier to Remove Federal Employees with Disabilities

An MSPB decision has opened the door for federal agencies to remove employees based only on stigma and stereotypes.


The IRS Will Need These 4 Things to Succeed After the Midterms

Commissioner-designate Danny Werfel has an opportunity to transform the tax agency, if given the right tools.


Here’s One Way to Help the Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity Succeed

Minority entrepreneurs would benefit from tools, mentorship and peer support to navigate the complex world of federal procurements.