GovExec Daily: How to Address Corruption in Government
The Project on Government Oversight's Walter Shaub and Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette join the podcast to discuss how ethics laws can be strengthened.
Nearly 11 months ago, on his first day in office, President Joe Biden issued an executive order implementing a set of ethics rules for his administration. The administration has had fewer ethics problems than its predecessor, but the Executive Branch is not alone in the government; Congress and the Judiciary have ethics issues that need improvement.
Project on Government Oversight Government Affairs Manager Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette and former OGE Director and POGO Senior Ethics Fellow Walter Shaub co-wrote an analysis of how Congress can address corruption headlined “American Voters Say Corruption is a Concern; Congress Should Heed the Message.” They joined the show to discuss how to address corruption across all three branches of government.