President Donald J. Trump’s signature is seen on H.R. 748, the CARES Act. Shealah Craighead/White House
GovExec Daily: Oversight of the Stimulus Plan
IBM Center for the Business of Government Senior Fellow John Kamensky joins the podcast to discuss the accountability provisions in the CARES Act
The most-talked-about aspect of the $2.5 trillion stimulus package called the CARES Act is probably the direct money to citizens, but there are plenty of other provisions in the law including money for state unemployment programs, SBA loans and relief to hospitals.
Oversight of the distribution of that money will be key in the coming years and the CARES Act does, indeed, have provisions for oversight. GovExec contributor John Kamensky joined GovExec Daily to discuss the oversight of the $2.5 trillion and contrast it with the 2009 Recovery Act accountability provisions.