Evan Vucci/AP
GovExec Daily: The 'Big Deal' Biden Presidential Management Agenda
Dr. Donald F. Kettl joins the podcast to discuss the administration's new approach to the PMA process.
The Biden-Harris administration released a preliminary Presidential Management Agenda Vision late last month, outlining a few specific topics it will tackle in its administration. The document commits to government administration as previous ones have, while also treading new ground on workforce and customer service.
Dr. Donald F. Kettl is professor emeritus at the University of Maryland and former dean of its School of Public Policy. He is the author of many books, including Escaping Jurassic Government: How to Recover America's Lost Commitment to Competence, The Politics of the Administrative Process, System Under Stress and The Next Government of the United States. He has a post on GovExec.com headlined “Why Biden’s Presidential Management Agenda Is a Big Deal.” He joined the podcast to discuss the Biden-Harris Presidential Management Agenda Vision document.