The Party's Over

By Robert Brodsky

The Associated Press is reporting that the U.S. Embassy in Kabul has banned alcohol from Camp Sullivan, the nearby living quarters for private security guards from Armor Group North America. Allegations and lewd photos surfaced this week of Armor Group personnel, who are assigned to guard the embassy, engaged in frat-house style behavior, including hazing, forced nudity and more than a few other descriptions not fit for a family publication.

The guards will also apparently have company on the base. An embassy spokeswoman confirmed that after a meeting between Ambassador Karl Eikenberry and embassy staff today, it was decided that State Department Diplomatic Security staff would be assigned to the camp.

The State Department Inspector General is investigating the allegations against Armor Group and the company could potentially lose its contract and face suspension or debarment. Looks like it's going to be a bad hangover for Armor Group.

NEXT STORY: Not-So-Big Government