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Josh Kraushaar
Josh Kraushaar is the political editor for National Journal, and pens the weekly "Against the Grain" column.
Josh Kraushaar is the political editor for National Journal, and pens the weekly "Against the Grain" column.
Trump Goes Back To the Future on Foreign Policy
The president’s Syria strike is a small step in reasserting the bipartisan consensus for American leadership on the global stage.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
How To Measure Trump’s Performance
Pay close attention to the number of House Republicans looking for promotions to the Senate. If they stay put, it’s a sign the president is losing political clout.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Senate GOP Could Check Trump
On the filibuster, foreign policy, and Cabinet picks, Republicans are already behaving more independently than Democrats did under President Obama.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
How Hillary Clinton Could End Washington's Gridlock
If she’s elected president and follows a more moderate path than Obama, it would strengthen her party and offer the GOP a lifeline.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Clinton Wins Debate, But Did She Win Over Voters?
Trump missed opportunities to exploit her weaknesses, yet managed to clear the low bar of expectations.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Bill Clinton Tries to Humanize His Wife With a Political Love Story
He relies on nostalgia to portray her as an agent of change, not a card-carrying member of the Washington establishment.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
On Convention’s First Night, Bernie Sanders and His Supporters Upstage Clinton
Burned by news that the DNC was in his opponent’s corner, his backers give a rousing endorsement of the “revolution.”
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
For Trump, It’s Not Morning In America Anymore
His nomination speech was full of complaints and bluster but failed to show he would solve the country’s problems.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Cruz Roils GOP Convention With Last Stand Against Trump
Will he be remembered as a man of principle—or as someone who put his ambition ahead of his party?
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Republicans Slam Clinton, But Don’t Make the Case for Trump
It was supposed to be a night to “make America safe again,” but as usual the candidate’s need for attention stepped on the GOP message.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Why Gingrich Is Right for Trump
The candidate needs a running mate with Washington experience, rhetorical gifts, and a yen for political combat with the Clintons.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Why Hillary Clinton Should Worry About Brexit
Anti-elite sentiment is erupting around the world. And it’s the main reason why Donald Trump remains competitive in the presidential election.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Obama Floats Above the Malaise in His Job Approval Ratings
Ratings reach two-year highs even though most voters think the country is headed on the wrong track.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
With Vote for Trump, Indiana Spurns its Conservative Roots
If Ted Cruz was going to win anywhere, it was in the Hoosier State. Instead he got knocked out of the race.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
The Lesser of Three Evils
Trump, Cruz, and Clinton would be their parties’ most disliked nominees in the history of polling.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Scott Walker, Not Paul Ryan, Could Be the GOP's Cleveland Surprise
After setting himself up as a kingmaker in Wisconsin, Walker could find himself on the throne at the convention.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Why Cruz Would Be Better for the GOP
Not only would he have a shot at beating Clinton, he’d give down-ballot Republicans a chance to hold onto Congress.
- Josh Kraushaar
Cruz and Kasich Are Playing Right Into Trump's Hands
Instead of strategizing to stop Trump, his rivals are still acting like he isn’t the front-runner in the race.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Trump's Very Super Tuesday
Even as he faces growing resistance from Republican party leaders, Trump is growing his support with Republican voters.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
The Odds of a Contested Convention Have Never Been Higher
With Cruz picking up momentum over the weekend, Rubio is battling furiously to deal Trump a blow in Florida.
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal