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Andrew Feldman
Andrew Feldman (Andy) is the founder and principal consultant at the Center for Results-Focused Leadership, which helps public agencies use evidence, data and strategy to strengthen their impact. He also hosts the Gov Innovator podcast, with more than 160 interviews for results-focused leaders. His previous roles include director at Grant Thornton, visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution's Center for Children and Families, special advisor for evidence-based policy at the Education Department, and special advisor on the Evidence Team at the White House Office of Management and Budget. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he has a B.A. in economics from Swarthmore College, an M.P.P. from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
Andrew Feldman (Andy) is the founder and principal consultant at the Center for Results-Focused Leadership, which helps public agencies use evidence, data and strategy to strengthen their impact. He also hosts the Gov Innovator podcast, with more than 160 interviews for results-focused leaders. His previous roles include director at Grant Thornton, visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution's Center for Children and Families, special advisor for evidence-based policy at the Education Department, and special advisor on the Evidence Team at the White House Office of Management and Budget. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he has a B.A. in economics from Swarthmore College, an M.P.P. from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
A Personal-Growth Strategy for Effective Leadership
Everyone has weaknesses and character flaws. Leaders who proactively seek help with those challenges will be better executives, managers and colleagues.
- Andrew Feldman
Government Leadership and the Power of Mindfulness
By teaching themselves to move beyond impulsive reactions, executives can become more thoughtful—and more effective.
- Andrew Feldman and Marc Margolius
One Key to Making a Leadership Offsite a Success: Logic Models
It's a way to weave evidence into the agenda of a leadership strategy session, providing a real chance for actionable takeaways or recommendations.
- Andrew Feldman
Why Biden's Embrace of Evidence in Policymaking Is Just What We Need Right Now
A new presidential memo signals commitment from the very top to the use of data and science at a time when the country is confronted by major crises, two experts say.
- Andrew Feldman and Jed Herrmann
Biden's Opportunity to Make Performance Reporting Work a Lot Better
The White House should go beyond simply reversing what the previous administration did and use data to improve outcomes through true results-driven governance.
- Andrew Feldman and Kathy Stack
How the Biden Administration Can Supercharge Results by Using Evidence
Believe it or not, there has been progress over the last four years in the use of evidence and data to inform decision-making. The new administration can build on those gains.
- Andrew Feldman and Jed Herrmann
It’s Time to Fix the Frayed Relationships Feds Have With States and Localities
Program implementation is as important as underlying policy. A new focus on intergovernmental collaboration could foster innovation and improve outcomes.
- Andrew Feldman and Kathy Stack
Coming Soon: A Short Window for Improving Federal Agencies’ Performance
For career executives, the time between the presidential election and the inauguration is an opportunity to use evidence and data to advise incoming political appointees on what works and what doesn't.
- Andrew Feldman and Kathy Stack
Why Agencies Need to Spend a Little to Gain a Lot
Innovation funds have the potential to turn up effective and less expensive ways to confront today's challenges.
- Andrew Feldman and Kathy Stack
6 Ways the Next Administration Could Use Evidence-Based Policy to Advance Social Justice
Using data and research to improve program outcomes may not make for a catchy campaign slogan, but it can go a long way toward reducing economic and racial disparities.
- Andrew Feldman
The Evidence-Based Policy Revolution Waiting to Happen
Government decision makers need to know more than whether a program works. They also need to know whether it's cost-effective.
- Andrew Feldman and Rebecca Maynard
Creating the Foundation for Building an Agency Culture That Values Evidence
Here are six ideas to help you focus on what’s doable.
- Andrew Feldman
Why Your Agency Should Have an Evaluation Policy Now
It’s necessary to comply with the Evidence Act, but it also provides a critical foundation for making the most out of the new law.
- Andrew Feldman
The Opportunity Agencies Should Seize
Federal agencies are now required to produce learning agendas. Here’s how to make them useful.
- Andrew Feldman
Think Government Can’t Do Anything Quickly and Cheaply? Think Again.
Looking to build a “test, learn and adapt” culture, federal agencies have conducted dozens of rapid, low-cost experiments over the last few years.
- Andrew Feldman
How to Build a Learning Culture Within Your Agency
Borrow a technique from improv comedy: Think “Yes, and…”
- Andrew Feldman
The Missing Piece in OMB’s Push for High-Value Government
The administration should seize the opportunity to catalyze high-value work at all levels of government.
- Andrew Feldman and Kathy Stack
Social Science? Data Science? Evidence-Based Government Needs Both
Results-focused leaders need to get savvy about both if they want to catalyze a culture of continuous improvement.
- Andrew Feldman
What Government’s Broken Strategic Planning Needs: Evidence
Instead of trying to create the perfect strategic plan, agencies should aim to get better at learning what works.
- Andrew Feldman
OMB Wants To Strengthen a Learning Culture in Government
That’s a good thing.
- Andrew Feldman and Nick Hart