USCIS Deleted 'Nation of Immigrants' From Its Official Mission
The change in wording goes against a longstanding tradition for politicians from JFK to Trump himself.
What Trump’s New Dreamer Proposal Means For Immigrants, By The Numbers
It's Trump's most generous offer on DACA, but he's also asking for a lot in exchange.
Trump Administration Criticized for Misleading Math in Its 'Foreign Terrorists' Report
Trump's list of terrorists also includes run-of-the-mill thieves.
Ambassador Resigned Because He Doesn’t Want To Work For Trump
Morale at the Department of State has flagged since Trump took office.
Trump’s Border Wall Keeps Getting Shorter and More Expensive
The latest White House wall plans represent a significant downgrade from Trump’s original vision--at a higher price tag.
These White House Policies Could Turn More Than One Million People Into Undocumented Immigrants
First Donald Trump targeted people in the country illegally. Now his administration is also going after those with permission to be in the country.
Puerto Rico’s Official Hurricane Death Toll Was 55. So Why Do Researchers Say It’s 500 Or More?
They found deaths after Maria exceeded the number of people who would have died under normal circumstances by more than 1,000.
Puerto Rico is Still a Disaster Zone, Three Weeks After Hurricane Maria
Twenty-eight hospitals are operating without electricity.
How Hurricane Maria Will Be More Costly For Puerto Rico Than Harvey Was For Texas
"The hurricane’s devastation has been multiplied by the island’s more limited ability to absorb it.
The Trump Administration is Hiding Data About How Its Crackdown on Illegal Immigration is Going
ICE won't say what it does with undocumented immigrants it asks sheriffs and local police to detain.
New Worries for Federal Fleet Managers: Rising Gas Prices, Assuming Gas Is Available
Gas prices are up because so much fuel comes from places where Harvey hit.
The U.S. Will Ban Laptops On 180 International Airlines Unless They Meet Mysterious New Security Rules
It's hard to tell whether it will be easy or difficult for airlines to comply, since officials didn't provide any details.
Analysis: Trump’s Zero-Sum View of The World is Most Dangerous When Applied to Climate Change
For Trump, the Paris Climate Accord must end with one country winning — or losing. In fact, all of humanity is at risk of being on the zero side of the equation here
The U.S. Is Arresting Undocumented Immigrants Faster Than It Can Deport Them
Arresting immigrants in the US is a lot easier and faster than processing them through America's clogged immigration court system.
The Many and Varied Cost Estimates of Trump's Border Wall
Call it anywhere from less than $10 billion to more than $60 billion—depending on who is counting.
Border Patrol Agents Are On Pace to Catch Nine Undocumented Immigrants Each in All of 2017
March was the month with the smallest number of apprehensions since at least 1999, but experts say it's too early to call it a trend.
Even Before Trump, Most of the People Arrested by Federal Agents Were Immigrants
The data clearly contradicts his narrative about lax enforcement.
The State Department Has No Time For Many International Institutions
The Trump administration's disregard for international organizations insulting to other countries—and could come back to bite it.
A Federal Judge Has Temporarily Frozen Trump’s Travel Ban Again
The judge's decision is not the final word on the case, but it indicates he thinks the ban's opponents have a good chance of winning.