
Looking for tech talent? Broaden your search, IC chief says

The nation’s 18 intelligence agencies should look beyond the nation’s capital if they want to get and keep the best cyber workers, said Adele Merritt.


Could the feds withhold broadband funding to some states?

Several states appear unwilling to change laws on their books that are at odds with a requirement in the 2021 infrastructure law.


DHS aims to lead in defense against ‘adversarial’ AI

The agency’s secretary noted artificial intelligence has proven useful for DHS operations in many ways, but also cautioned that the technology can be used for more nefarious purposes.


FTC votes to streamline investigations into AI products

In a 3-0 vote, the Federal Trade Commission approved a resolution that will let agency staff issue certain demands when investigating artificial intelligence-based services and products for potential market violations.


The people problem behind the government’s AI ambitions

As agencies move to fulfill requirements laid out in Biden’s AI executive order, workforce gaps remain “one of the biggest barriers” according to a White House official.


Labor Department to use the Technology Modernization Fund to build a retirement ‘lost and found’

The registry will enable people to search for private employment retirement, group health and other welfare benefit plans that still owe them benefits.


ICE’s ‘outdated and overly permissive’ device policy left the agency vulnerable, watchdog warns

A spring audit of agency mobile devices found several banned and outdated applications installed on personnel and contractor smartphones.


Supreme Court lifts restrictions on federal agency contacts with social media firms

The ruling frees up federal agencies to contact social network platform owners about content moderation issues and other matters, pending the resolution of a court case.


Democrats urge the White House to bind agencies to the AI Bill of Rights

“The federal government’s commitment to the AI Bill of Rights would show that fundamental rights will not take a back seat in the AI era,” the lawmakers argue.


How the Pentagon’s big tech bets could suffer if the government shuts down

Anything that needs new money to start or scale could see delays—including the Air Force’s quest to develop robot wingmen.


Federal CIO touts '10-year-plan' to build a truly digital federal government

The long-awaited guidance to support the implementation of the IDEA Act tasks agencies with ramping up their digital offerings while mandating consistent brand and design standards across the federal government.


FDA's draft plan calls for AI, other emerging tech in modernization efforts

The Food and Drug Administration is accepting comments on its Data and Technology Strategic Plan, which outlines the agency’s goals to leverage AI in its analytical processes.


Civic hackers explore ways to streamline government operations

Lawmakers and technologists united for a day of civic hacking on Capitol Hill as part of an effort to modernize government services and make government operations more efficient.


VA's health record 'reset' will extend into 2024

There's one deployment of the new, multibillion dollar EHR on the books for next April and officials expect the rollouts to pick up in the summer.


Hawaii’s wildfires led to fast tracking federal identity tools for unemployment claims 

Hawaii is the second state after Arkansas to employ and U.S. Postal Service identity proofing options in its unemployment insurance system. 


The Pentagon’s innovation arm has a new chief and a new strategy

‘DIU 3.0,’ now under SecDef review, aims to embed teams in the combatant commands.


Emerging tech is an SBA priority for both internal systems and external assistance

The Small Business Administration is leading the charge to democratize access to emerging technologies — particularly AI — across U.S. companies.


The federal government's most disliked IT help desks

A survey of more than 270,000 federal employees shows DOD at the bottom when it comes to satisfaction with IT support and equipment.


Government websites are loaded with misinformation, and that’s a big problem for AI

Sometimes information that looks reliable because it’s from a federal agency website has not in fact been vetted, and AI systems are only as trustworthy as the data they’re fed.


The Agriculture Department is taking a ‘cautious’ approach to generative AI

The agency’s data “also needs to be in a condition… to support those kinds of tools,” according to USDA chief data officer and responsible AI officer, Chris Alvares.