
CISA would get millions for cyber workforce outreach to underserved communities under new bill

The measure comes amid concerns from cybersecurity officials and professionals over how workforce diversity gaps may threaten U.S. cyber defenses.


Connolly presses EPA on air quality IT with new bill

Legislation the Virginia Democrat introduced Tuesday would codify watchdog recommendations to assess decades-old systems at the EPA.


Federal broadband subsidy cut amid fears over its future

The Affordable Connectivity Program will pay some households just $14 in May, down from $30. Unless Congress acts on a $7 billion extension bill, it will run out of money at the end of the month, plunging some families, supporters warn, into “digital darkness.”


Education secretary pledges troubled online student aid tool will be ready for next fall

The online Free Application for Federal Student Aid tool had a rocky release, with bad data and uptime problems, but the Department of Education is looking for improvements next year.


Congress tries again for comprehensive data privacy bill

The bill would establish national data privacy standards, with the Federal Trade Commission crafting rules for enforcement.


How to fix the military’s software SNAFU

Too many of its apps are built on code riddled with vulnerabilities—and distributed by the Pentagon itself.


Top women officials say there’s more work to do on gender balance in government tech

Women seem to be far more common in government’s top tech leadership positions than they used to be, but “we are far from done,” one such leader warns.


Lawmakers propose a new federal office to regulate workplace surveillance tech

The new bill from Reps. Chris Deluzio, D-Pa., and Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., would also establish new employee rights and employer transparency rules around surveillance.


New bill aims to bring SNAP card security up to credit card standards

Security standards for SNAP cards have not kept pace with industry advancements, lawmakers say.


Biden administration explores using Tesla-style tech in federally funded EV chargers

Most automakers have announced plans to use the industry leader’s standards, which would give them access to Tesla’s Supercharger network.


VA budget bill maintains EHR funding but imposes additional ‘reset’ oversight

The bipartisan FY24 budget package allocates over $1.3 billion for the agency’s new electronic health record system but makes 25% of that funding contingent on enhanced transparency around VA’s ongoing EHR “program reset.”


SSA taps White House tech official for CIO post

Marcela Escobar-Alava will be starting as the CIO of the Social Security Administration on Monday.


Biden administration waives certain ‘Build America’ requirements for broadband

Even with the waiver, though, the administration estimates that roughly 90% of funding for equipment will still be used to purchase U.S.-made products.


DOJ names its first chief AI officer

The new role is intended to focus on building a tech-ready workforce and interagency cooperation.


Navy leaders want more code-loving sailors at sea

One wants to take ad hoc data science efforts and fold them into a formal training cycle.


County officials lobby for internet subsidies

The FCC is currently turning away hundreds of thousands seeking assistance. If Congress doesn’t soon approve more funding, rural and urban county officials warn, millions will be plunged into “digital darkness.”


Vet centers need better systems, data to enhance support services

Watchdog officials warned lawmakers that the community-based counseling centers for returning veterans use a platform for identifying those at high risk of suicide that is “neither effectively nor consistently utilized.”


Agencies contend with new metrics, another missing hearing for IT acquisition reform

Cracks are showing in the usual, bipartisan buy-in for oversight on 2014 Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act progress.


Senate duo advocates for a new federal office to study the global tech landscape

Sens. Michael Bennet and Todd Young said the proposed executive branch office is needed to analyze technology advancement in a geopolitical context.