Senior Executive Service

OPM wants agencies to tally their senior executive needs

The federal government’s HR agency has requested biennial projections for the number of SES and scientific professionals that agencies will likely need through 2027.

New regulation would allow some former feds to skirt conflict-of-interest contact requirement

A rule proposed in the Federal Register would allow for former senior employees of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response to have contact with HHS officials within the conflict-of-interest restriction period of one year. 

Lawmakers look to ban foreign payments to senior feds

Top federal executives would not be able to "betray the public's trust" under Democratic bill.

OPM offers data guidance to help inform new federal executives website

The recent guidance details how agencies are to collect and report data to the HR agency’s new public-facing website detailing the names, roles and pay levels of thousands of federal executives.

The 3 duties of public servants

COMMENTARY | With all that’s going on in Washington these days, public officials have three fundamental duties that they cannot shirk.

Bill to alleviate federal pay compression introduced by House Dems

The Pay Compression Relief Act would effectively allow General Schedule employees to receive annual increases to both basic and locality pay, even if they have already hit the federal pay cap.

How can senior government leaders best leverage the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey?

COMMENTARY | A lower-than-average employee engagement score may tempt leadership to implement new activities intended to make employees feel happier at work. They should resist this temptation, says one federal executive coach.

Pay Caps: Fed Exec Lobby Group Says Reform Is Past Due

“We are stuck with a personnel system mostly put together too many decades ago,” says a policy chief for the Senior Executives Association.

OPM Launches a Toolkit to Attract More Women to the SES

The effort to recruit more women into the cadre of career government executives builds upon a 2014 program and comes amid news that, unlike the rest of the federal government, there is no gender pay gap in the Senior Executive Service.

FEC Recommends Top Leaders Be Eligible for Senior Executive Service

The Senior Executive Association’s initial review says the proposal “makes sense on its face.”

African American Federal Executive Association Builds a Pipeline of Talent for Senior-Level Jobs

A group leader says she is feeling optimistic about what’s to come under President Biden.

OPM Issues Post-Election SES Hiring Freeze Weeks Later than Previous Administrations

The moratorium on senior executive appointments comes more than a month later than it did when Obama was leaving office.

Court Affirms Senior Executives in Government Have Only Limited Appeal Rights

Court also issues another defeat to President Trump's signature civil service reform law.

From Intern to Chief Human Capital Officer: Miriam Cohen Reflects on a Federal Career

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s outgoing top HR executive spent more than three decades in government service.