
GovExec Daily: The Biden Inauguration

Courtney Bublé and Tom Shoop join the podcast to discuss the new administration and Wednesday's festivities.


Viewpoint: Outgoing Political Appointees Deserve Recognition

Their professionalism and hard work alongside career employees during the pandemic should not be dismissed.


An Unprecedented Transition Comes to an End

Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


GovExec Daily: Inaugurations and Presidential Mandates

Dr. Julia Azari joins the podcast to discuss Joe Biden's mandate amidst a pandemic and a deeply divided public.


Biden's DHS Pick Defends Ethics Record, Promises Morale Boost for Workforce

Alejandro Mayorkas faces sharp questions over prior controversy despite praise for his service.


Federal Bureau of Prisons Goes Into National Lockdown Ahead of Inauguration 

The agency said the “precautionary” move was “not in response to any significant events” occurring inside its facilities.


Troops at Inauguration Pre-Screened for Extremism, Says DC Guard Commander

“We will use the minimum force required to protect ourselves,” said Maj. Gen. William Walker, in an exclusive interview.


Acting SecDef Defends Capitol Reaction, Says DoD Is Prepared for Next Week

Defense Department “absolutely” concerned about domestic terrorism next week but feels bureaucratic issues that delayed national guard are resolved.


GovExec Daily: How Biden Can Make Government Work Better

Peter H. Schuck joins the podcast to discuss how the president-elect can realign government to meet more people's needs.


What to do Between Nomination and Confirmation: Insights for Political Appointees

Interviews with dozens of previous officeholders offer guidance for handling what can be a very difficult period.


GovExec Daily: Who Left Government Service During the Last Four Years

GovExec contributor Daniel Lim joins the podcast to discuss workforce attrition under Donald Trump.


Why Trump’s Challenges to Democracy Will Be a Big Problem for Biden

Scholars of democracy say the real threat to the nation will come after Trump leaves office.


Why Biden Should Expand OPM’s Role

Changes instituted by the Trump administration reflect an outdated and discredited “do as you’re told” approach to management.