Health Tech

State Department Works Toward Electronic Health Record for Diplomatic Corps

The department leans on a paper-based system to manage health care support for 75,000 people around the world.

CDC Seeks Digital Health App for Its Employees

The mobile application should provide meditation and mindfulness activities to help employees manage stress.

How the Pandemic Has Impacted Grants Management

A new survey shows that administrative costs have spiked, while funding agencies struggle to measure outcomes.

Lawmakers Ask Watchdog to Review New Coronavirus Data Reporting System Housed Within HHS 

“We are concerned that these reporting changes undermine the nation’s COVID-19 response efforts,” wrote top House Energy and Commerce Committee members. 

A Federal Data Failure Is Making It Hard to Talk About COVID

Without a standard, trusted language of COVID data collection, it’s been hard to measure the disease, track its trend, and build effective policy.

Out of View: After Public Outcry, CDC Adds Hospital Data Back to Its Website — for Now

Dr. Joseph Varon, center, visits with Dorothy Webb, left, and her daughter, Tammie, while making his rounds inside the Coronavirus Unit at United Memorial Medical Center in July

Researchers Publish Encouraging Early Data on COVID-19 Vaccine

The director of the National Institutes of Health is "confident that we will be able rise to the challenge of ending this pandemic that has devastated so many lives."

The Critical Need for Reliable Antibody Testing for COVID-19

While there are some good tests out there, not all are equally reliable, the director of the National Institutes of Health explains.

Congress Is Investigating Whether a Ventilator Company Is Gouging the U.S. — and Why the Government Is Letting It Happen

A congressional subcommittee is questioning a federal decision to pay quadruple the price for the commercial version of a ventilator Royal Philips N.V. had developed with taxpayer funds.

The Pandemic Is a Clarion Call to Remove Barriers to Innovation

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity to put in place solutions that will benefit us all, now and in the future.

Pentagon Orders 60 Machines that Disinfect Desperately Needed N95 Masks

Each Battelle-made machine can clean up to 80,000 masks per day, allowing healthcare workers treating coronavirus patients to reuse them up to 20 times.

The White House Pushed FEMA To Give its Biggest Coronavirus Contract to a Company That Never Had to Bid

The Trump administration has rushed through more than $760 million in contracts outside the usual bidding process during its haphazard coronavirus response. It’s highly unusual for the White House to step into FEMA’s supply bidding process.

GovExec Daily: How Supercomputing is Aiding in Fighting the Pandemic

Nextgov's Brandi Vincent joins the podcast to talk about the federal agencies using computing to combat coronavirus.

Indian Health Service Expands Telehealth During the Coronavirus

The agency and Native populations face unique health and technology challenges, however.

Genomic Study Points to Natural Origin of COVID-19

No, the virus was not engineered in a lab. The director of the National Institutes of Health debunks the claim and explains what scientists know about the novel coronavirus.