VA Secretary Denis McDonough previously told Congress that the department was looking to end its pause on new deployments of the Oracle Cerner software in fiscal year 2025.
“We are concerned that these reporting changes undermine the nation’s COVID-19 response efforts,” wrote top House Energy and Commerce Committee members.
Dr. Joseph Varon, center, visits with Dorothy Webb, left, and her daughter, Tammie, while making his rounds inside the Coronavirus Unit at United Memorial Medical Center in July
The director of the National Institutes of Health is "confident that we will be able rise to the challenge of ending this pandemic that has devastated so many lives."
A congressional subcommittee is questioning a federal decision to pay quadruple the price for the commercial version of a ventilator Royal Philips N.V. had developed with taxpayer funds.
Patricia Callahan and Sebastian Rotella, ProPublica
Each Battelle-made machine can clean up to 80,000 masks per day, allowing healthcare workers treating coronavirus patients to reuse them up to 20 times.
The Trump administration has rushed through more than $760 million in contracts outside the usual bidding process during its haphazard coronavirus response. It’s highly unusual for the White House to step into FEMA’s supply bidding process.
No, the virus was not engineered in a lab. The director of the National Institutes of Health debunks the claim and explains what scientists know about the novel coronavirus.