Pay & Benefits
Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months
Agencies had gained 50,000 feds during Obama’s last two years.
Why Americans Wait Two Years to Have Their Social Security Claims Heard
Budget, staffing and system issues bog down the system at SSA.
Pay & Benefits
There's No Proven Need for Trump's Mandated Hiring Spree at Homeland Security, IG Says
Two agencies would need 1.2 million applicants to fulfill Trump's request, given current hiring and attrition rates.
OPM Offers a New Career Guide for Executives
The framework lays out a professional development plan for Senior Executive Service members.
House Rejects Outsourcing of Federal Jobs in Vote to Block Revival of Circular A-76
Rep. Cartwright argues that public-private competition has not produced savings.
Pay & Benefits
More Than a Dozen Unions Announce Opposition to OPM Nominee
Goerge Nesterczuk has gone two months without receiving a confirmation hearing.
How Agencies Can Deliver Better Results for Less Money
Contractor compensation should be tied to how well vendors deliver on program outcomes.
Mainstays of GSA's OASIS Contract Office Take New Jobs
Federal Acquisition Service continues reorganization.
Pay & Benefits
GAO Finds Phased Retirement Can Benefit Employees, Management
Number of feds enrolled in program remains small, but there are new signs of growth.
The Performance Revolution Government Needs
When the brand of government is unattractive to top talent, it should be a reason for reform.
Nine Major Agency Reform Proposals in the House GOP Budget
Eliminating programs, restructuring agency components, streamlining hiring and more.
Funding What Works
It may seem obvious, but few things in Washington are straightforward.
The Urgent Case for Reforming the Civil Service
We’ve forgotten the first lesson of the best-run companies: people are the most important asset.
How VA Reform Turned into a Fight Over Privatization
Democrats and service organizations worry that a Republican push to expand health-care choices for veterans will sap money from the ailing federal system.
Government Warms to Continuous Monitoring of Personnel With Clearances
Software that scours public records for potential red flags gains traction as officials wrestle with a serious security clearance backlog.
Why Innovation Programs Should Target Middle-Aged Bureaucrats
Data show that the average age of the most successful innovators is somewhere in the mid-40s.
10 Factors for Successfully Implementing Large Initiatives
Lessons from a recent success story.
Agencies Could Learn a Lot From Tennessee's Shift to Pay for Performance
The state's civil service reform efforts offer many lessons for the federal government.
Trump's Rows of Unfilled Agency Jobs Could Bump Up Against Vacancies Act
Worst-case scenario is that decisions by acting executives are rendered invalid.