Donald Trump's residence at Mar-A-Lago is shown on Monday. GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images
GovExec Daily: What Happens After The Mar-A-Lago FBI Search?
Federal employment attorney Dan Mayer joins the podcast to discuss records management and what feds need to know.
Earlier this week, the FBI searched the Florida home of former President Donald J. Trump. According to reports, the search may be related to an investigation into whether Trump had unlawfully taken files when he left the White House. The news brings into focus the treatment of official government files and what kind of consequences can be brought against those mishandling official documents… from rank-and-file feds all the way up to the former president.
Dan Meyer is an attorney and Managing Partner of Tully Rinckey’s D.C office. Before the Merit Systems Protection Board, he has successfully represented special agents and law enforcement personnel. He joined the podcast now to discuss the raid and what rules exist around federal and classified information.
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