Play of the Day: Defining the Word 'Cage'

A chain link fence isn't a cage. It's just a type of wall.

President Donald Trump announced that he is directing the Pentagon to create a Space Force as a new branch of the military. The Tonight Show's Jimmy Fallon joked about the news, saying that Trump said "It won't be that hard, it's not like it's rocket science."

The Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy has hit roadblocks as the policy of separating children from their parents at the border has been condemned by Democrats, Republicans and pundits. A Customs and Border Protection spokesman told CBS' Gayle King that CBP is very uncomfortable with "the words 'cages'" being used for where the children are being held. The Opposition's Jordan Klepper joked that the word "cage" is confining, while The Daily Show's Trevor Noah joked that the chain link fencing is just "walls made of silver linings." Late Show's Stephen Colbert joked that the holding areas are pens, not cages, so the children are being treated like farm animals, not zoo animals.

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