Play of the Day: Graffiti on Lincoln

The sixteenth president’s monument gets vandalized.

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Real Time ’s Bill Maher  started to examine the implications of legislation surrounding the National Security Agency’s surveillance, but stopped mid-sentence to talk about the royal baby and his lack of interest in the huge news story from earlier in the week.

On NBC, The Tonight Show ’s Jay Leno looked at the connections between American politicians and a recent MIT experiment implanting false memories in rats . Leno also examined the new Transportation Security Administration’s Pre✓ program , saying it would be “money well-spent” for terrorist organizations and mentioned Barack Obama’s speech on the economy last week . Late Night ’s Jimmy Fallon presented a taped piece on the speech, as well.

With the news that the Lincoln Memorial was vandalized last week , both Maher and Leno joked about the DC landmark. Maher compared Lincoln’s legacy to the two major American political parties, while Leno joked about Lincoln’s security.

Fast forward to 2:20 to see Maher and Leno joke about the vandalization of the statue of Honest Abe.

( Image via Gang Liu / )