George Washington University student Kai Nilsen and other student loan debt activists rally outside the White House in August. Craig Hudson for The Washington Post via Getty Images
GovExec Daily: Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Is Still In Limbo
Clifford Robb joins the podcast to discuss administrative burdens in education forgiveness and the future of college debt.
Student debt has been a point of conversation for years and President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive $10,000 of student debt of non-Pell Grant recipients has brought the arguments surrounding forgiveness to the fore. After a federal court put a hold on the plan, the program is paused but so are student loan payments, leaving borrowers awaiting the news.
Dr. Cliff Robb is faculty director for the Consumer Finance and Personal Financial Planning programs at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He joined the podcast to discuss the federal student loan forgiveness plan and financial decision-making.
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