
Get Your SAVE Award Ideas in Now

Eighty past suggestions became part of president’s budgets, OMB says.

The White House on Tuesday implored all federal employees to put on their thinking caps and submit ideas for the fifth annual Securing Americans Value and Efficiency or -- SAVE -- Award.

“Borne out of the president’s belief that the best ideas often come from those on the front lines, federal employees have submitted more than 85,000 ideas over the last four years through the SAVE Award,” noted Steve Posner, associate director for strategic planning and communications at the Office of Management and Budget in a blog post.

He noted that President Obama’s last four budgets have included more than 80 SAVE Award proposals that have saved the government millions of dollars in avoided waste and new efficiencies.

Past winners have ranged from reducing printing of hard copies of the Federal Register to taking better advantage of senior discounts on public transit.

Submissions should be made via the White House website and are due by Aug. 9.

(Image via ideldesign/