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Week in Review: The 5 Most Popular Stories from Excellence in Government
Which agencies appeal to new grads and how to improve PowerPoint top our week in review.
This week, Excellence in Government Online celebrated its third week of existence--we appreciate you reading along with us. Below are the five most popular stories for the week of Sept. 10. Topics you wish we'd hit? Management techniques you think we should highlight? Share your story ideas in the comments!
- The 8 Federal Agencies Most Attractive to New Grads - The Government Business Council assessed which federal agencies are the best fit for recent graduates. Did your agency make the cut?
- The End of PowerPoint As You Know It - You know what's interesting about PowerPoint presentations? Usually nothing. Check out these tips to keep people awake during your presentations.
- How to Write a Great Performance Review - Tom Fox, The Washington Post's FedCoach, offers a simple tool to help you deliver employee feedback and write a more effective performance review.
- Workplace Whiners and the Other Coworkers You'll Know - Did you know that just listening to someone complain constantly can undermine your own performance?
- How to Read Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics - Too many of us struggle to probe just what exactly a statistic is telling us--and sometimes that can lead to federal managers being taken advantage of.
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(Image via Pertusinas/Shutterstock.com)
NEXT STORY: Phased Retirement? Half of Feds Just Don't Know