Human Capital

Human capital strategies are linked to agency mission and goals (agency sample plan will be identified) Organization is restructured as appropriate to provide optimal service at lowest cost and respond to changing business needs; strategies include redeployment, delayering, competitive sourcing, and E-Gov Continuity of leadership and knowledge is assured through succession planning and professional development Performance appraisals for SES and managers link to agency mission and are cascaded appropriately throughout more than 60% of the agency Workforce is diverse, including mission critical occupations and leadership; agency consistently measures and works to sustain diversity Current and future skill gaps in mission critical occupations are identified and reduced Human capital program is guided by measurable outcomes (examples will be identified)
Goals for July 1, 2004
Owner: Kay Coles James

Overall: 10% 75% Note: Bullets indicate % of agencies (and/or attainments) that Initiative Owner believes will have achieved the bolded goal by July 2004
  • 100% of all agencies
  • 20% of all agencies
  • 25% of all agencies
  • 15% of all agencies
  • 30% of all agencies
  • 25% of all agencies
  • 30% of all agencies
  • If the Human Capital Performance Fund were enacted, more agencies could assess and reward performance linked to agency mission and organizational outcomes.
  • If the Senior Executive Service Pay Reform proposal were enacted, "pay compression" problems for the Government's senior executive leadership could be alleviated and agencies would be more effective in attracting and retaining top executives.

Key Milestones - What the Initiative Owner will do:

Human capital strategies are linked to agency mission and goals (agency sample plan will be identified)
  • Review Agency Human Capital Plans and give specific feedback
  • Share examples of high quality Human Capital Plans
  • Conduct workshop on using Human Capital Plan implementation and analysis to drive continuous improvement of Human Capital Program and organizational strategy
Organization is restructured as appropriate to provide optimal service at lowest cost and respond to changing business needs; strategies include redeployment, delayering, competitive sourcing, and E-Gov
  • Conduct workshop on how to do a business case for organizational structures
  • Publicize examples of high quality business cases
  • Review agency business cases and provide specific feedback
Continuity of leadership and knowledge is assured through succession planning and professional development
  • Conduct workshop on succession planning and executive development
  • Implement government-wide Candidate Development Program to assist agencies in developing future leaders
Performance appraisals for SES and managers link to agency mission and are cascaded appropriately throughout more than 60% of the agency
  • Workshop on strategic/performance planning
  • Review strategy for linking performance plans to strategy and results, and provide specific feedback
Workforce is diverse, including mission critical occupations and leadership; agency consistently measures and works to sustain diversity
  • Conduct workshop on addressing diversity issues
  • Share examples of best practices
  • Review plans and provide specific feedback
Current and future skill gaps in mission critical occupations are identified and reduced
  • Review agency information on skill gaps and strategies and provide specific feedback and strategy recommendations
  • Conduct workshop on use of recruitment and retention flexibilities
  • Review agencies' hiring practices
  • Analyze results of agency workforce analysis and map skill gaps to Go-Learn
Human capital program is guided by measurable outcomes (examples will be identified)
  • Conduct workshop on accountability system
  • Conduct workshop to explore full range of possible uses of Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS) results
  • Conduct workshop on using HC metrics as a key factor in organizational strategy
  • Provide technical assistance to agencies in developing their HC metrics
  • Assist agencies in mining the FHCS results, including readministering when appropriate

What it means to be green

green dot

  • Implemented a comprehensive Human Capital Plan, analyzed the results, and integrated them into decision making processes to drive continuous improvement.
  • Analyzed and optimized existing organizational structures from service and cost perspectives, using redeployment and delayering as necessary and integrating competitive sourcing and E-Gov solutions; and have a process in place to address future changes in business needs.
  • Succession strategies, including structured executive development programs, result in a leadership talent pool available and continuously updated to achieve results.
  • Performance appraisal plans for SES and managers that link to agency mission, goals and outcomes, effectively differentiate between various levels of performance, and provide consequences based on performance, are cascaded appropriately throughout more than 60% of the agency.
  • Reduced under representation, particularly in mission-critical occupations and leadership ranks; established processes to sustain diversity.
  • Significantly reduced skill gaps in mission critical occupations and competencies; integrated competitive sourcing and E-Gov solutions into gap reduction strategy.
  • Outcome measures are used to make Human Capital decisions, demonstrate results, make key program and budget decisions, and drive continuous improvement in the agency.

What it means to be yellow

yellow dot

  • Developed, documented and communicated throughout the agency a comprehensive Human Capital Plan that:
    • Clearly aligns with the agency's mission, strategy and goals;
    • Fully addresses the Human Capital Standards for Success;
    • Incorporates metrics for each standard, including timelines for implementation; and
    • Designates accountable officials.
    (Use the Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework-HCAAF- to develop plans)
  • Analyzed and optimizing existing organizational structures from a service delivery perspective, using redeployment and delayering as necessary.
  • Implemented succession strategies, including structured executive development programs, to assure continuity of leadership.
  • Implemented performance appraisal plans for SES and managers that link to agency mission, goals and outcomes, effectively differentiate between various levels of performance, and provide consequences based on performance.
  • Implemented strategies to address under representation, particularly in mission-critical occupations and leadership ranks.
  • Implemented a workforce planning system to identify and address gaps in mission critical occupations and competencies, and developed short- and long-term strategies and targeted investments in people to create a quality workplace that continues to attract and retain talent.
  • Developed a planning and accountability system using metrics, including the Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS) results, to evaluate performance on all of the Human Capital Standards.