The Week in Comments: The debt ceiling, TSP finances and more budget proposals

The best in reader reaction to recent articles.

A roundup of some of the comments received this week in the Mailbag. All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Federal employees report being in the dark on debt ceiling

This is so pay no work. It is just that simple. If every federal worker did this then we would see who really needs us. Call in sick , whatever, but just don't come to work. Afterall, the Republicans would have you believe that we are the reason for the recession and the bad economy. Right ?

FAA Fed worker

Bottom line is that the administration will use this to try to gain political advantage, all the while blaming the other side (or even George W. Bush!). If the debt limit is not increased, Obama can cut the EPA, HUD, HHS, Energy, and his own czars, and leave important and useful programs alone. Instead, he will cut Social Security payments to old people, cut the military, and cut border enforcement and blame the other side for everything!


Sounds like the shutdown allover again.


I work for the Federal Prison System. If they can't afford to pay us, let's release all the inmates. I'm sure they'll promise not to commit anymore crimes.


On Obama threatens veto of balanced budget bill

And he should veto it! It's a ridiculous attempt by the GOP to make it look like they care about a fiscally sound government, when we all know they only care about protecting themselves and their rich friends and corporate contacts.


We aren't going to have a future if we don't do something meaningful NOW. Enough is enough. Of course the administration sees the bill as abitrary--anything proposed contrary to what "they" want isn't acceptable. They want to blindly go down the same path, do the same things, and pray for a different result...makes perfect sense--to an idiot.


The Perfect Storm. Democrats don't want to tinker with entititlement programs (the majority of the budget) and Republicans don't want to raise taxes. Even though reality tells you that both must happen to some extent. The loser in this storm? Federal employees! More pay freezes, hiring freezes, award reductions, paying more for benefits, changing retirement plans, etc. And even if they fired every single Federal employee....the budget still wouldn't balance!


On Debate swirls over whether TSP is living within its means

Needs to be outsourced. Get someone like the American Funds to run it. They can do it better and cheaper because they have everything in place including roth 401. Why recreate the wheel? We all know that having the Federal gov running this is more costly for the participants


I want my money safe. That means I don't want skimping at the TSP. Please make sure qualified, well paid, and enough people are watching over the money I have tried so hard to save and for which I have denied myself so many things over the years.

Cheri L. Filion

I thought limiting us to 2 changes in investments per month was to save money. At a 12% increase in budget, they should be able to resume the previous method and let employees get a break in this volitale market which does change daily.


On Lawmaker pushes extension of pay freeze, workforce cuts

I can live with his proposals, if they also apply to Congress. At least, we could get rid of 15% of the dead weight in Congress.


Will someone please FOIA the personnel budget for Congress and their staffers? Somebody needs to clearly lay out the benefits they get along with their raises and perks. They just happen to be exempt when it's time to beat up on federal employees. How about some transparency folks?

Did I Hear You Right?!?!?!

Offer an early out right now to all CSRS employees and you'll reduce the workforce by 20% instantly. Give some of them 3-5 years towards age and you'll reduce by 25%.


While I agree that there is no way to recover economically without pain, this plan protects the entitlement crowd (steadily increasing)and punishes one of the easiest groups to hit - the federal workforce. I agree that there is waste and we can be a more efficient government. But does anyone really think that you will keep the brightest and younger workers in light of the penalties for being a fed? The sick leave penalty is ridiculous; How would one accumulate sick leave in case of surgery or serious illness? Why wouldn't feds use the sick leave as additional time off if it can not be accumulated? What about the recent change to FERS retirement that allowed the use of hours accumulate for sick leave in the service calculation? Why can't Congress seriously address entitlement reform? We will all end up in section 8 housing.


Prohibit sick time carryover?? That's hardly fair! We don't get state disability! I build my sick time based on that fact. If I got hurt tomorrow and had to be out for 3 months, I have sick time to back me. If this plan were in place, I'd be screwed!


Why is NO one memtion Foreign AID and Grants? Effective immediately X amount of dollars is cut from US Foreign Aid and Grants program. As the Senator stated we all must do more with less. 2) Also why do we continue to give Citizenship to those who come to the US just to have a their baby? If a US citizen gives birth overseas or in a foreign country, they are not a citizen of that country. This would help with immigration as well.

Milton Weathers

Venting through comments is good, but perhaps it's time to organize? Who will stand up for us if not ourselves? By all means, call and write your politicians, but isn't there more we can do? I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet. After all, this country needs a hard-working, committed federal workforce. Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do to improve our situation AND help the country?


On House passes balanced budget bill

It is sad. I am in two groups going overboard. I am a disabled vet and a federal employee. Once upon a time I thought I had a secure future for the sacrifices I made for our great country. Silly me.

Mr. Man

Talk about wasting time, energy and money. Those who advanced this bill should be charged with malfeasance for wasting taxpayer time and money. Let's all remember who was playing games with our economy at election time!


On Most Americans back debt ceiling compromise

Compromise is needed - you can't do this overnight and you can't do it on the backs of federal employees.


It is annoying that the people are so ignorant about the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling. The education system is failing to provide an electorate that can understand the real issues.


On Former comptroller adds another budget plan to debt crisis mix

I have read and kept up with Mr. Walker's commentary regarding our national economy for many years and with over 25 years of federal accounting experience, agree completely with his assessment of our fiscal situation. However, most of the politicians have very little real knowledge of fiscal matters and are only concerned with getting their name in lights and getting reelected. All Americans are responsible for our country being in this mess, regardless of politial party. There should be no more sacred cows, protected classes, etc. Promises were made that can not be kept. We, the people, need to become more responsible for our own future. Stop looking for government handouts.


Gee, a plan that makes sense and might include metrics? It doesn't stand a chance with our Congress.


I think this guy should run for president.


Balancing the federal budget is a political problem, not an accounting one. It is not difficult to balance the budget on a piece of paper. However, when it has to pass through the House, the Senate, and the President, things get really sticky, as we are finding out. What is theoretically doable becomes practically impossible, when the rubber hits the road.

pere zoso

On GOP lawmaker balks at 'Gang of Six' defense cuts

More defense cuts? You have got to be kidding. Defense just took a whole slew of cuts a few months ago and now they want more - when we are fighting TWO wars, involved in Libya AND giving corrupt Afghanistan millions of dollars (I guess they can't cut out the latter). This makes no sense.


If only the poor people, the disabled, and children of this country had high powered lobbyists with as much power and money as the defense industry does to pay off the Republican politicians.


The fattest pig goes to market first.


NEXT STORY: From Six to Five to Three?