GOPer Named to Ranking Slot on Contracting Subpanel

By Robert Brodsky

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget during George W. Bush's administration, has been named the new ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs' Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight. The ad-hoc panel's former ranking members included former Sen. Robert Bennett of Utah and most recently, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts.

"Continued oversight on the government contracting process will help curtail waste, fraud and abuse and save the taxpayers money by promoting efficiency and transparency," said Portman, who was elected last year on a pledge to reduce federal spending.

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said Portman's experience at OMB will serve him well.

"As former director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, he knows how government contracting works and can provide real solutions that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal operations," Collins said.

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