Transit Costs: Stop Whining

There's a whole other point of view from the one expressed in Friday's item referencing a Washington Post story quoting put-upon feds saying potential Metro fare increases would hit them in the pocketbook. Here's one representative e-mail I received on the subject today:

I was flabbergasted at the tone of the Washington Post article you quoted. I think the Post generally does a good job, but this article did little more than quote a few malcontents, without noting a few pertinent generalizations. First, am I the only fed who collects a transit subsidy? It was $105 per month, but we were advised today that it will be increased immediately to $110. This subsidy pays most of my commuting cost. I sympathize with riders who do not get a federal-level transit subsidy and have inflexible schedules, but the number of feds in that category is small and diminishing.

NEXT STORY: Take Your Leave -- and Donate It