News Briefs

News Briefs

March 3, 1997

News Briefs

The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

**OHREEO Jobs Quicklist -- Week of 3/3/97**
We are recruiting for the following jobs in OPM. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the job announcement for any of these positions, please call the OHREEO Automated Employment Information line at (202)606-2974. Copies of job announcements may also be obtained via the self-service computer kiosks located in Room 1452 TRB and the Boyers Personnel Service Center (BPSC).

Position                 Location       Closes    Announcement #  


Secretary (OA), 

GS-318-5                 RIS/DC         03/17     97-029-GWW

Pers. Staff/Class Spec.,

GS-201-13                OHREEO/DC      03/10     97-075-MDR

Supvy. Pers. Staffing Spec.,

GS-212-12/13             ES/Kansas City 03/05     97-BPSC-19 

Auditor, GS-511-5/7      OIG/DC         03/10     97-076-EST

Fed. Retire. Benefits Spec.,

GS-270-9/11              RIS/DC         03/10     97-068-GWW

Supvy. Computer Spec.,

GS-334-15                OIT/DC         03/15     97-083-EST

Pers. Staffing Spec.,

GS-212-12                OHREEO/DC      03/10     97-078-EST

Policy Analyst,

GS-301-14                OIG/DC         03/15     97-080-EST

Office Automation Clerk,

GS-326-3                 OHREEO/DC      03/15     97-084-EST

Auditor, GS-511-14       OIG/DC         03/15     97-079-EST

Supvy. Computer Spec.,

GS-334-15                OIT/DC         03/15     97-082-EST

Ins. Benefits Claims Examiner,

GS-990-9/11              RIS/DC         03/17     97-081-GWW

Fed. Rtrmt. Benefits Spec.,

GS-270-11/12             RIS/DC         03/10     97-077-GWW      

Computer Systems Analyst, 

GS-334-13               RIS,OFCM/DC     03/22     97-071-GWW

Fed. Rtrmt. Benefits Spec.,

GS-270-11/12/13         RIS,DC          03/24     97-086-GWW


HIRING THOSE ON WELFARE--President Clinton, who has frequently urged business leaders to employ welfare recipients is himself looking for ways that the administration might do some hiring off the welfare rolls. White House domestic policy adviser Bruce Reed and OPM Director James B. King are studying a set of options to present to Clinton (The Washington Post).

OPM CHIEF REMAINS--"Clinton says he will nominate James B. King for a second four-year term as director of the Office of Personnel Management" (The Washington Post, In the Loop).

THE FEDERAL DIARY--"Federal workers have taken to tax-deferred payroll investing in a big way" (The Washington Post, Monday)..."If rules against hiring family members were strictly enforced in Washington, lots of people would be out of work" (The Washington Post, Sunday).

THE FEDERAL TIMES--Legislation expanding veterans preference is on a fast track in the House...Jim King to stay at OPM....President Clinton wants agencies to hire former welfare recipients as federal workers....Family-friendly requires flexibility (The Federal Times, March 10).

AROUND GOVERNMENT--Why can't the federal government be run more like a business? (The Wall Street Journal, Manager's Journal)...Clinton administration officials are seeking congressional support for the creation of an independent panel to revamp the formula used to adjust federal benefit programs for inflation (The Washington Post)...USDA moves against agency discrimination (The Washington Post).

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