USDA Closures Criticized

USDA Closures Criticized

February 21, 1997

USDA Closures Criticized

From CongressDaily

Rep. Ed Bryant, R-Tenn., today called for hearings on the possible closing of several Farm Service Agency offices by the Agriculture Department, saying Tennessee "appears to be shouldering an unfair burden of the closure process."

In a letter to Agriculture Secretary Glickman, Bryant questioned the USDA's objectivity. The process was supposed to be based on a nonpartisan USDA index score, but Bryant said he was "informed by USDA staff that in many cases this scoring methodology could be disregarded and that these sensitive decisions could be made using other non-specific criteria."

An aide said Bryant spoke with Glickman today and "was left with an assurance that no further actions would be taken until [Glickman] comes to Capitol Hill and has had a chance to speak with the congressman about the issue."

Agriculture Department Operations, Nutrition and Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., confirmed his subpanel will hold hearings on the matter. A USDA spokesman said the plan has not been finalized and any criticism is "premature."

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