News Briefs
The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.
LIVING BENEFITS--Living benefits, and what every federal benefits officer must know about the up-front insurance payment to terminally-ill employees, are the focus of a satellite broadcast sponsored by OPM and HUD. The program will air on Wednesday, October 30 from 2:30 - 4 p.m. in OPM's TRB Auditorium ([OPM] Office of Communications News Release, October 25).
LOCALITY PAY AREAS--OPM has issued proposed regulations that would establish two new locality pay areas in January 1998. The two metropolitan areas affected by the proposed regulations are Hartford, Connecticut, and Orlando, Florida ([OPM] Office of Communications News Release, October 25).
COMMUTE--Lured by lower taxes, cheaper rent and free parking, many employers are bolting downtown for the suburbs. When a government agency, trade association or company leaves the District for the suburbs, the workers undergo big changes in their lives and their commuting (The Washington Post).
HEALTH BENEFITS--"OPM on September 27 made final its interim regulation amending current FEHB rules requiring that the charges and FEHB fee-for-service plans' benefit payments for certain physician services furnished to retired enrolled persons do not exceed the limit on charges and payments established under the Medicare fee schedule for physician services" (Government Employee Relations Report, October 14).
NTSB--"Few federal agencies that do such exhaustive work must pinch pennies and engage in supply-sergeant tactics to the extent that the National Transportation Safety Board does. Penny-pinching is now a way of life" (The Washington Post).
OF INTEREST--Some advice on staying upbeat and positive when you've lost your job (The Washington Times, Careers).
NEXT STORY: News Briefs