A Note From Gore

A Note From Gore

Anne Marley of Portland, Maine, was late for work one day last week, but she came up with the perfect excuse.

The Portland Press-Herald reported Marley went to a rally see Vice President Gore speak. Afterward she tried to leave, but Secret Service agents had closed off the roads. So Marley returned to the rally, shook hands with Gore and joked that the vice president should write a note explaining her tardiness to her boss.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a Gore aide brought a note off Air Force Two. It read: "To whom it may concern, Anne Marley was late to work because of my motorcade. Sorry. My fault. Not hers. Al Gore." So what did Marley's boss, who happens to be a Republican, think? He laughed, and then said, "Tell Al Gore to get off Jack Kemp's plane."

NEXT STORY: Perot the Manager