
NASA Goes Gangnam Style in Two Awesome (and Super Cheesy) Music Videos

Is this why NASA is the best place to work in the federal government?

Something must be in the water down in Houston, because NASA’s Johnson Space Center is responsible for the release of not one , but two , ridiculously awesome—and super cheesy—music videos. The first shows the Johnson Space Center’s HR team lip dubbing to The Script’s “ Hall of Fame .” The other, set to Psy’s “ Gangnam Style ,” features actual astronauts, horse dancing and all. The latter was produced by students “in order to inform the public about the amazing work going on at NASA and the Johnson Space Center.”

Clearly, the folks down at a Houston don’t have a problem taking themselves too seriously. Maybe this is why last week they were named the best large agency to work for in the federal government?

Take a look at both videos below:

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NASA Johnson Style

Johnson Space Center Holiday Lip Dub