Mike Derer/AP file photo
TSA employees give Newark Airport security low marks
Officers from other airports give harsh critique to their counterparts in Newark.
An investigation of TSA employees at Newark Liberty Airport found that the people charged with screening passengers for flights are doing important parts of their job correctly less than 20 percent of the time.
That evaluation comes from TSA employees from other airports who were asked to secretly observe Newark employees to see how they performed their duties. According to the Newark Star-Ledger, their observations found that 83 percent of standard pat-downs of passengers were done incorrectly and the screeners failed to "identify and take appropriate action on prohibited items" in more than 75 percent of cases.
Worst of all, the percentage of passengers who were properly informed of their right to opt out of full body scans was zero. Not one. Unfortunately, for passengers who refused the scans on their own, there was also anecdotal evidence that they were subjected to more aggressive pat-downs.