An oral history of Iraq and Afghanistan

The lowdown on an effort to conducted in-depth interviews with military service members about their experiences in recent military operations.

Since 2004, National Journal reporter Sydney Freedberg has conducted in-depth interviews with more than 90 military service members about their experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq. The resulting series of articles has covered subjects ranging from rules of engagement to National Guard call-ups to the role of armored vehicles in urban combat.

National Journal welcomes anyone who has served with the U.S. military in Iraq or Afghanistan to participate in the oral history project. Active-duty service members, reservists, National Guard troops, retirees and veterans from all branches and of all ranks are included. Public affairs officers should feel free to contact National Journal on behalf of unit members who would be interested in participating.

A typical oral history interview takes about 60 to 90 minutes. Some are shorter, some are longer, and a few individuals speak for several hours over multiple sessions. Most participants speak for the record and are quoted in subsequent articles, but you may designate part or all of the interview as off the record. Participants are not quoted or named in any publication without their consent.

To learn more about National Journal's project on the oral history of Iraq and Afghanistan, or to ask about participating, please contact:

Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
Staff Correspondent, National Journal
Phone: (202) 739-8418
Mail: 600 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. / Washington, D.C. 20037