Witnesses cite prostitution, other contracting abuses in Iraq
Senate Democratic panel told of contractors using armored cars to shuttle prostitutes from Kuwait to Baghdad hotels.
Senate committee passes 'plain English' bill
Measure will require federal agencies to use plain language in commonly used federal forms.
Senate panel moves whistleblower measure
Bill would eliminate a requirement that false claims have to be presented directly to a government employee before liability attaches.
DHS says responders resistant to communications sharing
Agency official cites law enforcement culture as part of the problem.
House, Senate budget panels clear $3 trillion spending plans
House bill would boost domestic spending while rejecting president's fiscal 2009 budget proposals to cut Medicare and Medicaid spending.
High court mulls state courts' role in FDA product cases
Justices argue expanded state role could interfere with the agency's authority to police the industry.
Nebraska Senator to continue push for troop withdrawal
Ben Nelson, D-Neb., says "mission transition" proposal has bipartisan support.
Former senator decries DHS as 'mess,' urges reorganization
Warren Rudman cites emergency management and port security as key examples of the department's failures.
Judiciary panel moves Coast Guard reauthorization bill
Measure would allow more money for the troubled Deepwater modernization project, but would set stricter management requirements.
Senator criticizes administration’s estimates of war costs
Chairman of the Budget Committee also uses appearance to plug proposal to create a special 16-member bipartisan task force on reining in the national debt.
Homeland Security chief outlines new steps to discourage attacks
Measures include screening small boats for bombs, and keeping a closer eye on foreign private jets flying into the United States.
Rail safety bill clears Senate transportation panel
Measure would require the Transportation Department to update railroad hours-of-service laws to give employees more rest time.
House easily approves bill to extend terrorism insurance
GOP opponents accuse the bill's Democratic sponsors of trying to transform what was intended to be a temporary fix into another permanent big government spending program.
House committee votes to give IGs fixed terms
Bill is aimed at better protecting the watchdogs from retaliation for unfavorable audits.
Senators reach deal on immigration reform measure
Enforcement provisions include a doubling of the border patrol and the construction of a fence along the Mexican border.
Senate approves war spending bill, clears way for conference
Senate leadership aides say they are confident a deal can be reached with the House in a few days.
Senate leader sets quick votes on Iraq funding
Softer option would allow President Bush to waive redeployment requirements for 90 days at a time upon certifying the Iraqi government is making progress meeting benchmarks.
Short-term war funding bill may not fly in Senate
House plan would guarantee funding for operations in Iraq through July, but would tie additional installments to benchmarks.
GOP lawmaker concerned about Justice staff departures
The firings of eight federal prosecutors last year will make it hard to attract top candidates to fill vacancies, senator says.