
Debt vote shows freshmen Dem concerns

Thursday's House vote to approve a $1.9 trillion increase in the federal debt ceiling underscored the dilemmas facing Democrats during this election year.


Lawmaker adds support to Guantanamo replacement in Illinois

Congressman says move could inject $1 billion into the local economy in four years and create more than 3,000 jobs.


Dems may repeal term limits for House chairs

Rules change under consideration could disrupt opening of Congress this week.


Democrats solidify hold on Congress

Increases probably will not be large enough for the Democratic majority to steamroll over some of the difficult legislative challenges it will face in the 111th Congress.


Waxman to vie for energy panel leadership

California Democrat is currently chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


Plotting an Endgame

Parties race to find winning strategies in two-month dash to Election Day.


Obama camp steering clear of transition talk

Candidate's team is silent while lawmakers speculate about a Democrat-led presidency.


Key Democrat discusses priorities for government oversight

Ranking member of House Government Reform Committee says he is “stunned” by waste, fraud and abuse in federal spending.


New House overseer takes cautious approach to Homeland Security

A Q&A with Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.


Congress to hold special session on Katrina relief

Senate, House set to quickly approve billions of dollars in additional funding for Federal Emergency Management Agency.


Congress hurtles toward intelligence overhaul

House, Senate are taking different approaches, but major reorganization is likely either before or shortly after the election.


Sowing and Reaping

Many once-dispirited Democrats believe that the conditions are ripe for them to pluck the House of Representatives from the Republican Party.


Government Reform chief works to bridge differences across the aisle

Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., has worked to improve relations with his Democratic colleagues during his year as chairman of the House Government Reform Committee.


Kerry rated most liberal member of Senate

In the latest vote ratings compiled by National Journal , John Kerry has the highest composite liberal score of any senator. And John Edwards isn't far behind.


Turf battles could hamper launch of Homeland Security Department

The already-difficult job of the new Homeland Security Department is complicated by the fact that several congressional committees are vying for oversight.


House, Senate approve Iraq war resolution


House Budget chairman warns of possible spending cuts

House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle, R-Iowa, warned Tuesday that if budget forecasts continue to worsen, Congress might be forced to withhold fiscal 2001 funds from agencies later this year.


Treasury Department


Next President may not face gridlock