Pay & Benefits
Official confirms tensions over role of women in Obama White House
Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett tells the Washington Post there were some issues early on.
Top drilling regulator to temporarily head new bureau at Interior
Michael Bromwich has been named acting director of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.
Government's final report blames BP, main contractors for Gulf spill
Deepwater Horizon crew cited for 'overall complacency.'
Biden on 9/11 threat: We’re taking it 'seriously’
Federal officials have received a credible, but unconfirmed, threat to detonate car bombs in New York and Washington.
Economists torn on fiscal policy
Lawmakers aren’t the only ones who can't agree on what to do to fix the economy.
Quake prompts utility to shut down nuclear plant in Virginia
None of the nation's 103 other nuclear power plants was directly affected by Tuesday's quake, and all continue to operate safely, the NRC reported.
Mullen presses Iraqis to decide U.S. troop status
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman wants immunity to be part of a withdrawal.
New general takes command in Afghanistan as Petraeus departs for CIA
John Allen will lead the process of withdrawl by 2014.
Troop withdrawal could trigger economic depression in Afghanistan
Report notes almost all of the country’s gross domestic product comes from spending related to the U.S. military and donor community’s presence.
Five American soldiers killed in central Iraq
Though all of the American forces still in Iraq are scheduled to withdraw by the end of the year, militant attacks have continued to target U.S. troops.
Coast Guard report: Transocean safety flaws contributed to explosion
Study does not fault BP as much as previous reports.
EPA bill passes House committee, amid climate science debate
GOP plan would strip agency of authority to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions.
House subcommittee votes to curb EPA authority
Plan would reduce the agency's ability to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.
'Government activism' holding back recovery, Greenspan Says
The economic crisis may have “cast doubt” on competitive markets, but intervention tends to “hobble markets” rather than fix them, the former Fed chairman wrote in an article.
Interior may appeal ruling on drilling permits
Last month, judge ruled that the department must make decisions on five permits.
Former senator: A government shutdown is avoidable
Lawmakers should use the continuing resolution to direct spending reductions and set the stage for a vote on raising the debt ceiling, Gregg says.
Report: Navy on track to meet energy efficiency targets
Study reiterates the service's goals to reduce energy usage and dependence.
Energy secretary shoots down rumors that he plans to leave
Steven Chu says he will stick around as long as President Obama wants him.
General not confident of 2014 pullout from Afghanistan
Gen. David Petraeus notes the war is a very complex endeavor and requires a comprehensive approach.