Why the vote to suspend the debt ceiling didn't end the threat to the U.S. economy
Delaying the fight could make matters worse if it just puts the economy in a holding pattern for the next several months.
Analysis: The man who could save Obama's legacy
As Treasury secretary, Jack Lew would likely bring a tough stance to budget battles.
Thankless job awaits Jack Lew if he heads to Treasury
New chief must deal with a series of mini-cliffs, in a highly partisan environment.
Fiscal compromise sets stage for new year of mini-cliffs
Senate approves measure that would delay automatic spending cuts -- for now.
Analysis: Newtown shooting provides perspective amid fiscal cliff
Congress returns with a more subdued attitude toward partisan bickering.
Can Boehner sell the GOP on Obama's new fiscal cliff offer?
Rank-and-file reaction will determine the speaker's leeway to cut a deal.
White House makes new fiscal cliff counteroffer to GOP
Proposal includes $200 billion in savings on discretionary programs.
Analysis: GOP movement on taxes still leaves huge budget quandary
$1 million threshold doesn’t clue Americans in on some long-term realities.
Boehner, Obama no closer to cliff deal after latest offers
The president and speaker remain hundreds of billions of dollars apart in talks.
The state of the Paul Ryan brand coming into the debate
Thursday night will serve as a national debut for the chairman of the House Budget Committee.
Who are the 47 percent?
Conservatives use the talking point to talk about the size of the federal government.
Chris Van Hollen gets a boost from Paul Ryan's rise
Maryland congressman will speak at Democratic National Convention.
Budget office warns of recession if Congress allows country to go over fiscal cliff
Latest Congressional Budget Office forecast paints dire picture.
Analysis: The legend of Simpson-Bowles
An updated deficit-reduction plan may be unveiled after the election.
Pay & Benefits
Are Americans ready for a real debate on the size of government?
As the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan passed two controversial budgets.
Romney's VP choice brings budget leadership experience
Paul Ryan has quickly developed strong rapport with presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney.
Obama, Romney differ greatly on size of government
Presumptive GOP nominee pledges to slash non-defense spending, while president still seeks billions for infrastructure and transportation projects.
Republican budget proposal a political document
Plan offers few details on which 'wasteful' programs and agencies would be cut.
House GOP budget to avoid sequester of Defense funds
Lawmakers may target federal workforce for cuts instead.