
Transportation security agency's progress uneven

Most aviation experts agree that the nation's airport security is much better than it was before September 11. And a year from now, they say, it will be much better than it is today. But the system is certainly not perfect today—and unfortunately, it never will be.


In transportation security, blame game is in full swing

The Bush administration, Congress and the airline industry are pointing fingers over who's to blame for the Transportation Security Administration's problems.


Air marshals train to tackle terrorism

The Transportation Department is trying to send a message to Congress: a well-trained force of air marshals is better equipped to deal with would-be terrorists than armed airline pilots.


Transportation Secretary occupies an unlikely space: center stage

When Norman Mineta was named Transportation Secretary, one of his predecessors told him the job was "a snap." Then the Sept. 11 attacks happened.


Airport security initiatives raise more questions than answers

Observers of the airport security debate disagree on whether the government has gone too far or not far enough to protect the skies.


Labor Department


Transportation Department


FEMA director has a tough act to follow

The new head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency has the unenviable task of filling the waders of James Lee Witt, who was often on the scene wherever floods and other natural disasters struck.


Workplace watchdog


Safety first


FEMA administrator wins management kudos

Both Democrats and Republicans agree that James Lee Witt, head of the Federal Emergency Management agency, represents the best the Clinton administration had to offer.


DOT gauges results of strategic planning

DOT gauges results of strategic planning


Federal employees are poised to swat the bug

Federal employees are poised to swat the bug