
A Year in Search: Google’s 2012 Year in Review

Google highlights the year that was, including the people and accomplishments of the federal government.


Stop Using These 10 Buzzwords on Your Resume

LinkedIn has compiled 2012's most overused professional buzzwords.


Apple CEO Talks Creativity, Innovation and Why People Trump Process

Tim Cook discusses his view that creativity and excellence are driven by individuals, not process.


One Minute of Advice From Steve Jobs You Must Hear

A newly unearthed video reveals Steve Jobs' vision of the world and views on life’s possibilities.


Alan Simpson Talks Fiscal Cliff on The Daily Show

The former U.S. Senator drops in for a lively discussion on the national debt.


'Boo-urns!': Mr. Burns Explains the Fiscal Cliff

The Simpsons' resident old rich guy tries to explain the fiscal cliff to we common folk.


Gallup: Most Government Workers Like Working in the Public Sector

Though the majority of Americans would much prefer to work in the private sector.


The Four Skills Employees Need in 2013

Employers are looking for particular skill sets in new and current employees.


Mars Curiosity's ‘History Making’ Discovery Revealed, With a Caveat

NASA announced the discovery of organic compounds on the surface of Mars, though won't yet say if they originated from the planet's surface.


Obama Tackles Questions about Fiscal Cliff on Twitter

President Obama took to Twitter to answer people's questions about tax increases associated with the fiscal cliff negotiations.


Sitting for More Than an Hour is Terrible for Your Health

More companies are pushing for standing desks citing growing evidence that sitting results in severe negative health consequences.


Brainstorm More Effectively Using the SCAMPER Method

A simple tool designed to stimulate new thinking in counterintuitive ways.


Photo: Obama and Romney Meet in Oval Office

The White House released a photo of President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney meeting after their much-discussed lunch.


Remembering Zig Ziglar: Motivational Speaker’s Top 21 Quotes

Famed motivational speaker Zig Ziglar passed away Wednesday--assembled are a collection of his most memorable quotes.


Infographic: Late Night Technology Use Kills Your Sleep Cycle

Using technology before bed reduces the amount of sleep you get as well as your performance on the job.