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Lauren C. Williams

Lauren C. Williams

Senior Editor

Lauren C. Williams is senior editor for Defense One. She previously covered defense technology and cybersecurity for FCW and Defense Systems. Before then, Williams has reported on several issues, including internet culture, national security, health care, politics and crime for various publications. She has a master's in journalism from the University of Maryland, College Park and a bachelor's in dietetics from the University of Delaware.
Lauren C. Williams is senior editor for Defense One. She previously covered defense technology and cybersecurity for FCW and Defense Systems. Before then, Williams has reported on several issues, including internet culture, national security, health care, politics and crime for various publications. She has a master's in journalism from the University of Maryland, College Park and a bachelor's in dietetics from the University of Delaware.

A US agency focused on foreign disinformation could shut down after the election

The State Department’s Global Engagement Center recently opened an anti-Russian propaganda center in Poland, but needs congressional action to continue operations.


Pentagon background-check systems at risk of hacking, GAO says

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency didn’t fully implement DOD’s cybersecurity process, a new report finds.


Former NSA head feels ‘really good’ about election security come November

Paul Nakasone, the recently retired head of NSA and CYBERCOM, said the intelligence community has everything it needs to combat election interference attempts later this year.


Space Force inches closer to classified remote work

The platform could be a popular remote-work solution for Space Systems Command.


The Pentagon wants to help boost cybersecurity for small contractors

A new strategy outlines how the Defense Department plans to increase security and strengthen relationships across the industrial base.


Navy leaders want more code-loving sailors at sea

One wants to take ad hoc data science efforts and fold them into a formal training cycle.


Some secret military programs are getting a little less secret

New classification guidance aims to streamline operations within the Pentagon and with foreign partners.


Looking for tech talent? Broaden your search, IC chief says

The nation’s 18 intelligence agencies should look beyond the nation’s capital if they want to get and keep the best cyber workers, said Adele Merritt.


Senate confirms first woman to lead Navy, key joint staff vacancies

However, hundreds of confirmations are still blocked by Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala.


To solve national security problems, the US may have to rethink higher education

Advanced STEM degrees take too much time and cost too much, said the former science and tech head at Homeland Security.


Budgetary limbo could cost the Navy Department $26B in missing or ‘misaligned’ funds

Comptroller lays out the price of a full-year continuing resolution if Congress can’t pass a 2024 budget.


How the Pentagon’s big tech bets could suffer if the government shuts down

Anything that needs new money to start or scale could see delays—including the Air Force’s quest to develop robot wingmen.


Budget delays could ‘slow roll’ Air Force’s digital infrastructure plans

In early 2024, the service plans to launch cloud-based command and control technologies in three undisclosed locations.


The Navy is drowning in data it doesn’t know what to do with

The service’s principal cyber advisor got candid about data struggles as it looks to adopt AI in operational plans.


NSA ‘recently completed’ AI strategic study, director says

Outgoing chief Gen. Paul Nakasone looks back, forward, and pushes for Sec. 702 authority.


The Pentagon’s innovation arm has a new chief and a new strategy

‘DIU 3.0,’ now under SecDef review, aims to embed teams in the combatant commands.


1/4 of DOD cyber jobs are vacant. Here's the plan to fill them

Civilian cyber workers are the main challenge, as it's harder for DOD to attract and keep them.


Get serious about data, US intelligence leaders tell agencies

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s new three-year plan aims to turn data-gathering from afterthought to key asset.


Intel leaders, White House argue for keeping digital spy powers

Agencies have less than six months to convince a divided Congress to re-up an expiring warrantless surveillance authority.