News And Analysis
Making It Count
The Census Bureau ramps up to tally each and every U.S. resident in 2010.
News And Analysis
FEMA's Makeover
Acquisition chief Deidre Lee is getting ready for the next Katrina.
Cargo-scanning subcontract spurs ‘Buy American’ dispute
Subcontractors have few avenues to appeal prime contractor's apparent decision to buy mobile scanners from a partnership of Chinese and American companies.
2006 Chiefs Directory
Slow Start
Three years after their creation, chief acquisition officers are hard to find.
Justice settles procurement case, launches anti-fraud effort
Deputy attorney general starts national, interagency initiative for battling procurement fraud.
TSA begins virtual training for contracting officers
Acquisition “boot camp” will last eight months; new concept could be expanded to other agencies.
News And Analysis
Free Speech and AIDS
Groups that receive government funding to fight HIV/AIDS refuse to sign anti-prostitution pledge.
Convicted ex-procurement chief granted sentencing delay
Prosecutors set to argue that David Safavian lied at his trial, which could result in a longer sentence.
News And Analysis
Defining Disability
Some veterans question giving the edge to service-disabled contractor bids.
News And Analysis
Ups and Downs
VA Secretary R. James Nicholson bends priorities to new customer needs and business risks.
Judge denies new trial for ex-procurement chief
David Safavian, a former senior administration official, will be sentenced in one month.
Nonprofit group tests new contracting tools
Agencies, companies join forces to improve post-award contract management.
Ex-procurement chief argues for new trial
Lawyer for David Safavian says his conviction on obstruction of justice charges was unfair because hearsay was admitted as evidence.
Top 200 Contractors
No Surprises
Civilian agencies fumbled emergency procurements last year; now they’re looking ahead so they’ll be prepared.