Author Archive

Jen Doll


How to Make Working Outside Work for You

A how-to guide for getting the most out of taking the office outdoors.


What Your Email Inbox Count Says About You

What's your email management type? Two writers set out to explore the multifaceted art of inbox maintenance.


There's Nothing Lazy About Working from Bed

Is clacking away on a laptop in bed more comfortable and productive than at a desk? Of course!


Don't freak out about the possible Election Day nor'easter just yet

The National Weather Service is predicting another storm in the Northeast for next week.


Workplace Whiners and the Other Coworkers You'll Know

Today in The Wall Street Journal Sue Shellenbarger discusses a type of coworker you've surely had the occasion to work with, assuming you've been working in an office environment for any time at all. This is, Shellenbarger writes, the "workplace whiner."