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Dustin Volz
Dustin Volz is a staff correspondent for National Journal covering tech policy. His work has previously appeared in The Washington Post, The Center for Public Integrity, and The Arizona Republic. Dustin is a graduate of Arizona State University and a publisher of Downtown Devil, a hyper-local news site serving the downtown Phoenix community. Before arriving at National Journal, Dustin spent nine months teaching English at a high school in Indonesia through a Fulbright scholarship.
Dustin Volz is a staff correspondent for National Journal covering tech policy. His work has previously appeared in The Washington Post, The Center for Public Integrity, and The Arizona Republic. Dustin is a graduate of Arizona State University and a publisher of Downtown Devil, a hyper-local news site serving the downtown Phoenix community. Before arriving at National Journal, Dustin spent nine months teaching English at a high school in Indonesia through a Fulbright scholarship.
U.S., Europe Forge Data-Protection 'Umbrella Agreement' for Terrorism Cases
Congress will have to act for it to actually take effect.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Court Overturns Ruling Against NSA Surveillance Program
The bulk-collection program was reined in earlier this summer when Congress passed the USA Freedom Act.
- Kaveh Waddell and Dustin Volz, National Journal
Newspaper: German Spies Got Access to NSA Internet Surveillance Tool
The country's domestic intelligence agency promised to work closely with U.S. colleagues to gain access to a controversial piece of NSA software that enables deep surveillance of the Internet.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Germany Charges Own Spy With Treason for Sharing Intelligence with CIA
The spy, arrested last summer, is accused of being paid more than $100,000 by the CIA to snoop on Germany.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Obama Administration Dismisses Online Petition Requesting Snowden Pardon
The White House has been responding to "We the People" petitions Tuesday
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
What is in the Justice’s Cybersecurity Memo?
Despite calls for its release, the government will not make public a memo that Sen. Ron Wyden says is crucial to the Senate’s cybersecurity debate.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
NSA to Purge Mass Surveillance Phone Data Collected
"Analytic access" to those records, which go back five years, will end on November 29, 2015, and they will be destroyed three months later.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Pay & Benefits
How Much Damage Can Hackers Do With a Million Fingerprints From the OPM Data Breach?
The pilfering of 1.1 million fingerprints is “probably the biggest counterintelligence threat in my lifetime,” one former NSA official said.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Pay & Benefits
Katherine Archuleta Steps Down From OPM
Hill support eroded after announcement of data breach.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Cornyn: Deal to Bring Snowden Home Would Be 'Insulting and Inappropriate'
The fugitive leaker should serve at least 12 to 20 years, the Majority Whip said this week.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
FBI Chief: ISIS Is Relying on Encryption to Recruit Americans
“This is not your grandfather’s al-Qaida,” Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Hillary Clinton: Cyber Legislation Is 'Not Enough' to Stop Dangerous Foreign Hackers
The candidate cites China, Russia, North Korea and Iran as threats.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Eric Holder: The 'Possibility Exists' That Edward Snowden Could Come Home
"I certainly think there could be a basis for a resolution that everybody could ultimately be satisfied with," the former attorney general said.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Court Revives Defunct National Security Agency Surveillance Program
The NSA’s phone dragnet is back.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
OPM May Announce Size of Second Data Breach Next Week
The embattled federal agency is planning to reveal details about a breach of security-clearance information as soon as early next week, according to Hill sources.
- Kaveh Waddell and Dustin Volz, National Journal
Jeb Bush: Obama Should Fire His 'Political Hack' OPM Director
The presidential contender joins a handful of lawmakers in calling for the resignation of OPM Director Katherine Archuleta due to her handling of a massive data breach.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Multiple Lawmakers Possibly Compromised by OPM Hack
At least two lawmakers received have received notices that their personal data may now be in the hands of hackers believed to be working for China.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Oversight Chairman: Obama Needs to Fire OPM Chief
“I think it’s time for them to resign, and if they don’t, I think the president should fire them,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz said of leadership at the Office of Personnel Management.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
Second Hack of Government Data May Have Compromised Security Clearance Information
Officials confirmed Friday they had detected a second intrusion that may be far more damaging than the one reported last week.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal
McConnell to Pair Cybersecurity Rules With Defense Bill
Privacy advocates still fear the information-sharing bill could lead to more NSA spying.
- Dustin Volz, National Journal