House Dems accuse White House of censoring federal scientists
Top officials said to exert unusual control over public statements of federal scientists on climate change issues.
Bush dealt first veto override on water resources bill
Legislation authorizes billions of dollars worth of Army Corps of Engineers water projects.
Dems rail against editing of climate change testimony
House lawmaker says he will reintroduce a bill intended to prevent political meddling with the assessments of government scientists.
Senate leader trying to dislodge hold on Interior nominee
Oregon Democrat who placed the hold wants assurances that the agency will take steps to prevent unethical behavior.
Senate votes to boost bridge repairs
Underlying bill is subject to President Bush's threat to veto measures that exceed his spending requests.
Lawmaker seeks repair fund to combat crumbling bridges
Trust fund modeled after the one for highways would make money available only for repairing, rehabilitating and replacing "structurally deficient" bridges.
Bill authorizing Army Corps water projects hits roadblock
Senator opposes conference report, arguing it doesn’t do enough to change how projects are reviewed and approved.
Panel backs language to reopen FAA, union contract talks
Provision would retroactively require an independent binding arbitration board to settle wage and other differences; administration has threatened a veto.
Pay & Benefits
FAA reauthorization bill to move without labor agreement
Committee Democrats may offer an amendment that would support union's position to retroactively require binding arbitration.
Investigative panel targeting pollution at military bases
Probe will focus on Camp Lejeune, but could extend to other military-controlled hazardous waste sites.
Senator removes hold on nominee to lead Army Corps
Nominee now likely to be confirmed in a “matter of days;” hold was placed to protest mismanagement of New Orleans levees.
Lawmaker seeks health, safety standards for flight delays
Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., asks FAA to develop procedures for health and safety of passengers in lengthy flight delays.
Nuclear security workers anonymously ask Congress for probe
Employees at Los Alamos site office say they are concerned about adverse working conditions, a hostile working environment and low morale.
Ex-Bush aide defends changes to global warming reports
Official tells lawmakers he simply suggested alterations, not final edits.
House Dems seek to force FAA, controllers to resume talks
Leaders of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee want language in war-funding supplemental bill requiring contract negotiations.
Democrats to examine military base contamination
Critics of the military's environmental record point to drinking water problems at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.
White House hands over more climate change documents
House panel requested the information as part of a probe into potential attempts to alter scientific reports on global warming.
Energy plan could free up $14 billion over a decade
Package aims to help the government recoup lost royalties on leases written by Interior Department officials, for a net gain of $6.3 billion.
Bipartisan effort in House will target federal oil leases
Committee leaders want the Interior Department to force oil and gas companies to pay royalties lost through the omission of price thresholds for certain lease agreements.