
Tracking Fraud & Abuse Across the Nation

President Obama’s 2011 Executive Order launched a nationwide effort to curtail waste, fraud, and improper payments across federal, state, and local governments. To better understand how federal, state, and local government leaders assess their organization’s fraud management capabilities, GBC recently deployed a survey to 340 federal leaders.


The Threat From Within: To Combat Evolving Insider Threats, Government Must Adapt

As troubling as a cyber attack from the outside can be, government agencies are looking to double down on what is potentially an even greater risk to their information and security: the insider threat.


Healthcare Analytics in America

An exploration of the current analytics landscape in American healthcare.


Minding The Gaps: Diagnosing Privileged Access Risks in State & Local Government

Proper management of privileged accounts is critical to mission security. But a growing number of state and local agencies are discovering firsthand the challenges involved are not easy to surmount.


Keys to the Kingdom: Managing Privileged Users and Accounts in State & Local Government

Who are privileged users and why is managing them so critical to state and local government? GBC explains in this infographic presentation of a 2016 survey on privileged management.


The Next Federal Evolution of Cloud

Even while a majority of agencies have migrated their assets to the cloud, some concerns remain over how agencies can overcome the challenges associated with the next frontier of cloud technology.


A DevOps Roadmap for the Federal Government

More agencies are adopting the agile work model, ushering in new levels of productivity. But do its core tenets mesh with a government that demands the utmost in security and compliance?


When Ignorance Isn’t Bliss: Emerging Cyber Threats Put Risk Mitigation Capabilities to the Test

The mantra "know your enemy" has never been more relevant. The task of mitigating risk in 2016 and beyond demands a federal workforce who can predict and avert all facets of an unpredictable cyberthreat landscape.


Cultivating Digital Services in the Federal Landscape

With a slew of tech-savvy stars joining the public sector ranks, the federal government looks poised to unleash a transformational era in digital services for its citizens.


Want To Manage Risks? Let The Experts Educate

The last several years have witnessed exponential growth in the number of damaging attacks on government data infrastructures. For agencies striving to be ready for future attacks, the verdict is in: risk awareness is critical.


Federal Digital Services Ready to Embrace the End User

As the government continues to modernize its IT infrastructures through agile development practices, a paradigm shift is underway that increasingly places end-user needs front and center in the decision-making process.


GBC Poll Reveals Disconnect Within Government Contracting Organizations

Research shows senior leaders and mid-level employees harbor different perceptions of middle management's ability to execute strategic goals.