
Agencies have met all AI mandates for management and talent, watchdog says

The Government Accountability Office said agencies’ compliance with 13 key AI benchmarks in the 2023 executive order “is likely to increase AI expertise in high-priority areas quickly and more efficiently.”

Could an easy radio fix have prevented the Trump assassination attempt?

“Being able to talk to other agencies real-time certainly would assist in that response,” one official said.

White House cyber czar launches a new hiring sprint 

The federal government’s main occupational series for IT jobs saw 3,000 open positions in fiscal 2024.

NSF launches AI-driven biotech research program

The National Science Foundation is funding five projects within its new BioFoundries program, which aims to use artificial intelligence to accelerate research in biosciences.

Half a billion dollars in grants awarded to boost the EV charging network

The Biden administration also said that the number of publicly available EV chargers has doubled since the president took office.

AI can help FOIA offices combat onslaught of bot-powered requests, report says

According to a report from software firm OPEXUS, 93% of FOIA officers believe “AI has a key role to play in helping to review, sort and deduplicate requests.”

Energy Department unveils its green resource hub for AI-based grid demand

The new online resource is the latest step Energy has taken to match the pace of green energy transitions with growing electricity needs from artificial intelligence applications.

FBI is losing track of classified and sensitive data, watchdog finds

The bureau is failing to account for electronic storage media that are marked for destruction at secure facilities.

Energy Department wants to use AI to speed up permitting

The hope is that helping feds dive into historical environmental documents creates efficiencies and better outcomes.

Cars that talk: Feds announce plan to accelerate connected vehicle deployment

The Transportation Department aims to have vehicle-to-everything tech deployed nationwide by 2036, and said it will offer grants and support to help states get there.

CISA, FBI assert election infrastructure’s fortitude despite ransomware threat

Both organizations aim to instill confidence in U.S. voting infrastructure ahead of the 2024 elections.

IRS is flying blind without plans to modernize legacy tech, watchdog says

This isn’t the first time the IRS has been called out by oversight officials for a lack of detailed technology planning.

DARPA edges closer to using AI to expose cyber vulnerabilities

Next year, seven teams will compete to polish off a best-case model that meshes AI and cybersecurity to detect and fix open-source vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure.

VA launches a new platform to help veterans identify and report scams

Scammers have increasingly targeted veterans and their beneficiaries, particularly after the PACT Act expanded benefits and health services for retired service members. to shutter in September

The Labor Department’s benefits-focused website dates back to 2002.

Congressional agencies report progress on AI adoption

The House Administration Committee said in the new report that it is also focused “on applying the House’s AI guardrails to the acquisitions process.”