The small- and mid-size businesses of the S Fund fell 0.10% last month. Panuwat Dangsungnoen/Getty Images
TSP funds posted a mixed bag in June
Only three of the five core investment offerings of the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program ended the month in the black.
The federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program produced mixed results last month, with only three of the Thrifts Savings Plan’s core offerings finishing June in positive territory.
The common stocks of the TSP’s C Fund posted the best performance, gaining 3.58% in June. So far this year, the C Fund has increased 15.28% in value.
The fixed income (F) fund finished June 0.94% in the black, but that boost was not enough to bring the portfolio into the black for this year. So far in 2024, the F Fund has last 0.63%. And the G Fund, which is made up of government securities, grew by its statutorily mandated rate of 0.38%. Since January, the G Fund has grown by 2.21%.
But the small- and mid-size businesses of the S Fund fell 0.10% last month. So far this year, the S Fund is up 3.28%. And the international (I) fund lost 1.62% in June, bringing its 2024 performance to 5.85%.
Each of the TSP’s lifecycle (L) funds, which shifts to more conservative investments as participants get closer to retirement, gained value in June. The L Income Fund increased 0.65%; L 2025, 0.71%; L 2030, 0.95%; L 2035, 1.00%: L 2040, 1.05%; L 2045, 1.10%; L 2050, 1.14%; L 2055, 1.25%; L 2060, 1.25%; and L 2065, 1.25%.
So far this year, the L Income Fund has grown 4.13%; L 2025, 4.78%; L 2030, 6.92%; L 2035, 7.36%; L 2040, 7.81%; L 2045, 8.19%; L 2050, 8.59%; L 2055, 10.19%; L 2060, 10.19%; and L 2065, 10.19%.
NEXT STORY: Your pre-retirement questions answered, part 3