Alex Brandon / AP
D.C. Area Agencies That Weren't Already Shuttered Will Close Monday Due to Snow
Announcement does not apply to employees who were furloughed anyway due to the partial shutdown.
Federal employees in the Washington, D.C., area who weren't already home due to the partial shutdown will get a snow day on Monday.
The Office of Personnel Management announced Sunday evening that federal offices in D.C. will be closed after the region received 8-12 inches of snow, with some additional accumulation expected. The storm, nicknamed "Snurlough," comes as a number of agencies are facing their longest ever lapse in appropriations.
"This announcement does not apply to furloughed employees impacted by the lapse in appropriations, as they are already in a non-work status," OPM stated.
Excepted employees who have been working during the shutdown should follow the operating status announcement, OPM said. Those who do not end up working during the weather-related closure will be considered in furlough status for the day.
For employees at funded agencies, Monday will operate like a normal snow day. Emergency workers will still be expected to show up, and those who can telework will be expected to do so. For more information visit OPM's site.